Data for the communication and interpersonal skills graph

Published by Rowan Hotham-Gough

The following table shows the percentage and number of job adverts that demanded each type of criteria. The total number of jobs was 1,662.

No. of job adverts demanding each type of criteria
Criteria % of jobs No. of jobs
  • Excellent communication skills,
  • Good communication skills,
  • Excellent interpersonal skills,
  • or Good interpersonal skills
56% 927
  • Excellent communication skills,
  • or Good communication skills
49% 819
  • Excellent interpersonal skills,
  • or Good interpersonal skills
26% 434
Excellent communication skills 33% 553
Good communication skills 17% 279
Excellent interpersonal skills 16% 273
Good interpersonal skills 10% 166